
The Do’s and Don’ts of Dressing up Accent Walls

Stylish accents can liven up otherwise drab walls. Dress up feature walls with textures, shapes, colors and patterns. These accent…

5 years ago

Designing Stylish Mudrooms

Mudrooms have transitioned from their initial entryway design to dedicated storage rooms. Functioning as a hold for things that would…

5 years ago

Blue-Green Algae: Everything You Need to Know

Black streaks on asphalt roofs are caused by blue-green algae (Gloeocapsa magma). In this blog, Residential Concerns shares an in-depth…

5 years ago

The Dangers of Neglecting Roof Inspection After a Hailstorm

Don't assume your roof is damage-free after a hailstorm. Even if it appears to be leak-free, it could still be…

5 years ago

Are You Thinking About Remodeling Your Kitchen?

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. If it's old, outdated or simply inconvenient to use, then you should…

5 years ago

What Causes Roofs to Age?

When you’re out shopping for a new roof, you’ll often hear roofing contractors throw the term “lifespan” around to describe…

5 years ago

A Simple Checklist for Your Home Remodeling Plans

Home improvement projects can be major endeavors requiring lots of planning. To reduce stress, it's important that you make the…

6 years ago

GAF Master Elite® Certification: How Does It Benefit You?

Choosing the right pros for a roof repair or replacement project is extremely important. After all, the quality of the…

6 years ago