Don’t assume your roof is damage-free after a hailstorm. Even if it appears to be leak-free, it could still be harboring underlying damage requiring repair from roofing contractors. Today, Residential Concerns shares an in-depth look at why you should have your roof inspected after a hailstorm.

Unseen Damage
Hail damage to a roof isn’t always as obvious as wind damage. When viewed from the curb, the damage takes the appearance small spots that can be easy to miss. In fact, even insurance adjusters have been known to mistake hail damage for blisters on the roof. Blisters can be considered cosmetic damage, but hail damage certainly isn’t. The “spots” left by hail impact are actually craters that expose the underlying layers of the roofing shingle. This can lead to premature roofing failure.
What You Should Do After a Hailstorm
Contact your trusted roof repair contractor and your insurance provider. You need a roofing contractor to perform a thorough assessment of the roof’s condition, the extent of hail damage and the cost to repair the roof. A report on the hail damage, along with a written estimate of the repair costs, will be provided to the insurance adjuster, who should then help you complete your claim.
Inexperienced insurance adjusters may mistakenly deny insurance claims because hail impact can look a lot like blisters, which are caused by manufacturing defects. This is why you need a roofing professional to perform an inspection.
What Happens to Unrepaired Hail Damage?
Asphalt shingles are covered by an outer layer of granules that protect the asphalt-soaked backing material from UV rays. The impact from a solid object—a hailstone, for instance—can dislodge the outer granule layer. This exposes the asphalt layer to UV rays, which will then accelerate degradation and lead to premature aging. Cracks on the shingles lead to water infiltration, resulting in leaks and moisture damage. The sooner a hail-damaged roof is repaired, the lower the risk of further roof damage.
Residential Concerns is your leading provider of roof replacement and repair services. Give us a call at (770) 304-1311 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.